Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Picking up and dusting off...

…my blog that is. I was going to delete these half-dozen old posts from ::cough:: two years ago but I thought it might be comforting for some people to see that I have tried and failed and tried and failed and tried again to get this going. Third time’s the charm, right? So, here go. Round three of Living Life to the Nines – my thoughts, musings, and lessons about living the good life and enjoying it all the way.
By the way, I’ve also spent the last year picking myself up and dusting myself off. Although it has really been more like rolling myself out of bed and sucking out the sludge with a Shop Vac. Self improvement work is not easy, but it is oh so necessary. I’ve learned a lot in the last 18 months and have a still long way to go. I hope you’ll join me, learn some lessons and maybe leave a few as well. It seems that as much as I tried to ignore it, the truth is that we’re in this together.

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